Thursday, August 14, 2008
I paid 3.96 for gas today!!!!! Kinda sad when that's made me so happy, huh?flickr
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Hours in a day, that is... Between chores, work, appointments, meetings, grocery shopping, prepping baby bottles for the following day... there is simply not enough time. This is the first time I've had a chance to blog since I returned to the Empire.But I guess the point of it all is taking it in stride. There is a new appreciation for sitting in rush-hour traffic. It is no longer a nuisance but rather a chance to decompress from a busy day of adult decisions, conversations and meetings into a playful and cheerful human being happy to be home to family. Today, I needed the extra fifteen minutes in traffic to shake off the last of the bad vibes from work.
With the lack of time, I've become more creative with my responsibilities... like laundry. A load goes in first thing in the morning before I get in the car to go into work... and it's moved into the dryer before I walk in to relieve D of the little one. After she's down for the night, the dried laundry is hung and put away.
It's nice to be on a consistent schedule. But, the little one does like to mix it up every once in awhile with the 5 a.m. wake-up call. Ahhhh, the little excitements of my life....